Robert Chhuth, known professionally as "Gigahurtz," is a superstar event DJ whose signature style has earned him a reputation as one of the most sought-after acts in Portland, Oregon. After snagging a coveted gig at Encore Beach Club in Las Vegas, Gigahurtz has been tapped to provide the soundtrack for celebrity events hosted by some of the NBA's top players. He also created the score for the Karl Lagerfeld-conceptualized Odyssey Pool Lounge at Hotel Metropole in Monaco, and his two singles charted across Southeast Asia. His most recent tour de force was a set at the Palms during Labor Day Weekend 2022, where he had the honor of being backed by none other than Diddy himself. As he continues to soar to the top, Gigahurtz is sure to keep pushing the boundaries of his artistry.
To book Gigahurtz visit his website and stay connected with him on social media.
Twitter: @djgigahurtz
Facebook: @thegigahurtz
YouTube: gigahurtzvevo